Sunday, December 28, 2014

Grinch-y Ears - Science Experiment about Sound

 This maybe the last of my "The Grinch" inspired worksheets for now.  I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have making them and testing them out! 

Grinch-y Ears Science Experiment #1 

Here is what BubbyDooDoo Bear used: 

Let the fun begin with Part A.

Mr. Man helped.

Onto Part B.

Time to fill out the worksheet.

On to Experiment #2

Here is the Chart you will need.

What he used:

Let the fun begin...again...with Mr. Man's help...again.  

Time to use the Scientific Method to find out what will help The Grinch.

To get all 3 sheets, click here or the picture below. 
I hope you enjoy this fun Science experiment as much as we did.