Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Viscosity Science Experiment For Younger Kids

Viscosity testing makes for a great experiment.   My loves enjoyed this one so much because they got to pick what liquids they wanted.  There was no "right" or "wrong" to it.  

What is "Viscosity" you ask?? It is the measure of how a liquid flows.  The first worksheet explains it all for you and your loves. 

Time for the experiment and to fill in the Scientific Chart.

These sheets are for the younger student.  I don't want to label this experiment via  "grades" as all kids learn at their own pace.   I know my BubbyDooDoo Bear "gets" things a little bit "slower" than the "norm" for his "grade".  So read through the experiment, YOU will know if your love is able to do this experiment or the older one. 

Get your Viscosity Experiment Worksheets here

Here is BubbyDooDoo Bear's video of this experiment.