Friday, November 14, 2014

A Person, Place, or Thing

Working with BubbyDooDoo Bear on the concept of "nouns".   He has a processing issue and so sometimes he needs a bit of extra time "getting" a concept and then we need a lot of repetition.  I found some great ways to do this:

1.  Go through their toys and label them. 

Ninja - person
car garage - place
stop sign - thing

2. Read one of their favorite picture books and let them find all the  "people","places", and "things" on each page. 

3. When running errands play the noun game.   Someone starts and says "Person", "Place", or "Thing" and the other person has to find 3 of that category.  Take turns back and forth. 

I found this great noun work sheet at Flying into First Grade blog. It is a free set for October, but pumpkins still work for November, too!!!    She has made a few great pages for a mini report on spiders and bats, also.